Marsh Hawk Press | 2016

Available locally inside Tallahassee’s Midtown Reader and online through AMAZON AND SPD!

2015 Marsh Hawk Press Prize Winner
2016 Florida Book Awards Winner



Listen to Tana read from Latest Volcano as part of the Jerome Stern Distinguished Writer's Series at Florida State University.

"A book of ruthless poise, Latest Volcano masters form and forms—pantoum, sestina, terza rima, narrative, elegy—well-suited to its wily protagonist, Eros. A canny figure, unabashed by war or fidelity, in league with cruelty and memory, Eros evolves a wild, patient, don’t-mess-with-me self-knowledge. 'Stay still and love / fades…' she says; but you, are you to move on? Loop back? Dance for your life? Well, all of those."      
Stephanie Strickland

"These are poems of relentless intensity addressing the things that matter to us—love, sex, war.  In telling us their stories, they find their place to stand, which may not always be where the reader would stand, and that’s their power. These are not words that shout, but they are poems that lead us to their moment."
Alberto Ríos

"In the way that the poet H.D. gathered long-scattered mythic shards to bring vision to a shattered world, Tana Jean Welch creates her own mythology, metamorphic and sensuous, in elegant poems that have the power to terrify, to fill one with awe, as the poet attempts to 'pin down exactly where the human soul resides.'” 
Sandra Alcosser



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